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Why us?
Services & Solutions
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SiliconUnlimited has been in operation since 2003, offering People_on_Computercomputer and technical support services for businesses and individuals in and around Edmonton, Alberta. We were founded on a principle of offering quality solutions at a fair price to a market which often falls victim to over charging.

We take pride in establishing an ongoing working relationship with our clients, insuring that we take the time to understand the specific needs of a client before offering a solution. We are also not afraid to go the beyond "Microsoft" solution for a clients business needs. This flexibility insures we can keep costs down while still providing solutions which are reliable and adaptable to business needs.

Our business processes are designed to exploit the latest technology in remote support insure that we can respond to problems quickly without the extra time and cost of traveling on site when it is not required. We pass these saving on to our clients by not charging an hourly minimum on support calls which have become expected in this industry.

Our staff's real world support experience also helps to eliminate the confusing "geek speak" that has so often confused computer users when they look for support. Our staff has the required experience to relate otherwise technical concepts in an easy to understand way.

We look forward to working with your company and helping you grow and prosper.

Ian Dubbelboer - President,
SiliconUnlimited Computer Services

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